I like solving fun physics problems

...and having exciting discussions with other researchers that work in quantum information processing. I often find the problem-solving strategies and ideas of others inspiring for deriving my own research questions and finding solutions to them.

In my work, I try to take a curiosity-driven approach by continuously asking myself things like "Why do I think this will work?", "Can I cast this as a problem that someone else has already solved?" and occasionally "What am I even doing?"

On my free time, I enjoy travelling and

photo of me

Fields I've worked in

Quantum key distribution

Zero knowledge cryptography

Avenues I want to explore

Circuit knitting techniques in quantum circuits

Most recent conference

QIP - Ghent, 2023

Recent Research

  • QKD

The Quantum Chernoff Divergence in Advantage Distillation for QKD and DIQKD

I formulated a simple condition that describes exactly when it is possible to achieve a positive asymptotic secret key rate for the Device-Independent Repetition-Code Protocol. This condition was based on the Quantum Chernoff Divergence, a quantity that arises in symmetric hypothesis testing.

Mikka Stasiuk, Norbert Lütkenhaus, Ernest Y.-Z. Tan - 2023
  • QKD

High-dimensional Encoding in the Round-Robin Differential-Phase-Shift Protocol

I developed a security proof for a variation of the RRDPS quantum key distribution protocol that implements an arbitrarily large encoding alphabet. The design of our scheme allows the users to optimize protocol parameters to adapt to a large range of different experimental conditions, resulting in higher key rates and better noise tolerance. Furthermore, this approach can provide insight into bridging the gap between seemingly incompatible quantum communication schemes by leveraging the unique information encoding approaches of both HD and DPS QKD.

Mikka Stasiuk, Felix Hufnagel, Xiaoqin Gao, Frédéric Bouchard, Ebrahim Karimi, Khabat Heshami - 2023

My Interests

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum cryptography schemes aim to transmit sensitive information between parties using quantum entanglement as a resource. It is needed with the looming threat of fault-tolerant quantum computers that have the potential to undermine the security of existing public key cryptography protocols such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

Tailoring Quantum Algorithms for Practical Quantum Advantage

Fault tolerant quantum computers are capable of running quantum algorithms that possess a significant advantage over their classical counterparts, like Shor and Grover's algorithms, but it is unlikely that they will become a reality in the next decade. To achieve a quantum advantage in the near term, it is crucial to explore different types of quantum algorithms, like variational ones, or to modify current algorithms by techniques such as circuit cutting, to make their execution possible on NISQ devices.

Error Correction for NISQ Devices

Fundamental to Computational Complexity Theory is the classification of problems based on their hardness, where hardness is typically a measure of resource requirements to solve the problem, like time and memory. Quantum Computational Complexity Theory investigates the relationships between complexity classes when problems can be solved with quantum strategies. In particular, an interesting and essential avenue of research is the investigation of problems that can be solved in polynomial time with quantum strategies but not with classical ones.

Where I've Worked

Researcher @ Institute for Quantum Computing

Investigated security proof structures for Device-Independent Quantum key Distribution implemented with a two-way error correction protocol called the Repetition-Code protocol, under the IID collective attacks framework.

  • Supervised by Norbert Lütkenhaus
  • First author on our paper
  • Presented a poster at QIP 2023 in Belgium

Researcher @ National Research Council of Canada

Developed the theory for a high-dimensional variation of the well-known Round-Robin Differential Phase Shift protocol in Quantum Key Distribution.

  • Supervised by Khabat Heshami
  • First author on our paper

Researcher @ McGill University

Investigating a sound, practical implementation of Zero-Knowledge security against quantum provers. In particular, deriving a tighter bound on soundness by comparing the performances of an arbitrary quantum strategy to a specific classical strategy.

  • Supervised by Claude Crepeau

Get in touch

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